rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem --- SUPERBLITZ Throttle Control 3/2021 rem --- competition verison rem --- Waves and Missions rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem --- Insignia on Plane revealed after Night Mission is completed! rem --- Multiple Waves over differently colored Sky's and Cities rem --- More optical illusions: Some color combinations create unreal artifacting such as textured bricks - rem --- complete several rounds and describe what you encounter! rem --- note: Classic hardware and a CRT required to experience artifacting textures and additional illusions rem --- unique features - you control your speed and difficulty increases as you play rem --- BW switch pegs the throttle (Advanced) rem --- Each wave achieved keeps it's colors in Attract mode! rem --- Unlimited continues until powering off the console! 0 data city 5,9,6,9,7,6,7,5,9,5,5,5,5,6,6,7,5,8,5,8,7,5,8,8,5,5,6,6,7,5,7,8,9,8,8,7,8,9,5,6,8,5,9,6,6,7,5,7,5,5,8,5 1 if g=0 or CXP0FB>126 then CXCLR=0:for j=0 to 9:player1(j)=189:player0(j)=pl(j):rowcolors(j)=178+w:next j else goto 3 2 for j=20 to 71:k=j-20:k=city(k):for i=k to 9:vwpixel(j,i,on):next i,j:player0y=96:player0x=84:y=11:g=1:w=16*z 3 if f8 then AUDF0=12:AUDC0=9:SUSTAINFORFRAMES=7:x=BITIndex+9:i=96-player0y:i=i/10:y=1+i:remPlayahTune 6 if y<10 then vwpixel(x,y,bindplayer1):COLUP1=M(y):y=y+1:data M 122,138,12,170,154,250,234,218,202,186,42,58,74,28 7 if y<10 and vwpixel(x,y,poll)>0 then vwpixel(x,y,flip):player1x=0:player1y=0:AUDC0=y:y=21:AUDF0=4:AUDV0=15:rem Hit! 8 if BITIndex>71 then BITIndex=0:player0y=player0y-2 else missile1x=missile1x+1:missile1y=missile1y+3:rem SUPERBLITZ 86 9 if player0y=0 then g=0:player0colors(3)=14:player0colors(4)=112+z:COLUBK=M(z)-10:z=z+1 else missile0y=missile0y+2